I would like to use pagegrouping feature but it seems that it does not exist in my menu.  When I select Preferences>Node Pre-process> Database it only allow me to prune pages. The pagegrouping and preserving commands do not appear in the menu. Could you help me?
Thank you!

  • anon

    Hi - We have recently noticed that this sometimes happens (only pruning showing, not all three: pagegouping, pruning, preserving).  We haven't yet resolved why it happens, but if you select this menu item a few times, then you should find it will eventually show all three i..e it tends to fix itself.  
    If it doesn't work for you, please contact support@uberlink.com with details on the database you are working with and we'll have a look at it.
    This bug will be looked into.

    Aug 12, 2014
  • anon

    Thank you!

    Aug 22, 2014
  • anon

    Hello again,

    I am having some issues using the Pagegrouping to one of my databases ElpaisTest. After adding the pagegroup set the system does not applied it to my dataset and it still remains at it was before. Maybe I am doing something wrong but I followed the instructions of the userguide and it seemed quite straightforward. Any hint will be appreciated!!

    Aug 22, 2014
  • anon

    I followed up with more detail directly with you via the support desk, but for benefit of other people, here is an abridged answer.
    I just want to check that you are following the correct procedure (the documentation is not as good as it could be, and we are soon to revise it) before I dig further to see if there is a problem.
    I looked on the system and I can see that have successfully created the pagegroup data file (this is what gets created via Preferences>Node Pre-process> Database).  So you should be getting sites merged into a single pagegroup.
    Are you recreating the voson-analysis database? You need to do this for the pagegrouping changes to be reflected in the voson-analysis database. We plan to make this automatic, but for the time being you need to recreate the voson-analysis database every time after you have done some pagegrouping, pruning or preserving.

    Aug 26, 2014
  • anon

    Thank you!

    Sep 01, 2014