Dr. Ackland.

I'm getting ready to make my final crawl and have a quick question. I
want to be able to produce an N x N binary matrix of all the websites in
my study, including the isolates. On a practice run, when I examined
only the seed orgs (which is what I want), I noticed that the isolates
were excluded. Is there an options to include them ?

Thank you.


  • anon

    Hi Michael,

    I'm assuming you are talking about the 'complete network' visualisation in the VOSON System? By default, isolates are not shown, but you can change that with one of the select boxes. So any isolates should be present in the network, unless you have 'pruned' them in the data pre-processing stage. If you download a network (e.g. as pajek format or graphml) the isolates should be in there, but let me know if this is not the case.


    May 25, 2012
  • anon

    Voson Team.

    Is there a way to generate a list of nodes that were excluded from the Voson Analysis databases (isolates, etc.)? I need to be able to exclude them in my master data spreadsheet for further statistical analyses.



    Dec 29, 2012
  • anon

    I found a way to identify the excluded isolates. I created a subset via the crosstab function and selected those with a "degree category" of zero. This works fine. Thanks. M.

    Dec 30, 2012
  • anon

    OK, good to hear you found a solution. I'll close this thread off. Rob

    Jan 05, 2013
  • anon

    I found a way to identify the excluded isolates. I created a subset via the crosstab function and selected those with a "degree category" of zero.

        I think this is the best feasible solution possible for extracting node.

    May 07, 2013